May is when everything starts winding down for the summer which is a strange thought as the winter has only just finished, snow tires are packed away till October and we've started planting our veggie plot in between the downpours.
This was the first of all the graduation activities we have this year with Isaac. This was the banquet at Harvey Lions club, we had a turkey dinner followed by lots of toasts and a slideshow. We then drove to St Andrews United Church for a baccalaureate service which was an interesting experience, nearly all the different denominations from Harvey took part in the service in one capacity or another.
Monday was Victoria Day so we decided even though it was pouring with rain to test our new BBQ box. We roasted a 35lb pig in 4 hours and it was good.
The finished piggie!
A couple of weeks ago Max and Shadow were playing outside and as they were running back up the steps Shadow managed to break his leg. This then started a long process of visiting the vet's, x-rays and an operation to pin and put a rod in his leg. David has made him a cage in the lounge as his crate was too small to spend 2 months recuperation time in especially with a large cone on his head! He has also made a ramp as he can't walk up or down stairs for 2 months either and he is getting rather big for lifting everywhere. Today he has his stitches out and in another 6 weeks another operation to take the rod out of his leg. This means he hasn't started dog agility and instead Max is having to take his place this year. Max is really enjoying himself!
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