Sunday 10 June 2012

A very British Garden party

Some of our many English friends over here threw a 'Very British Garden Party' to celebrate the jubilee today. Yes we know it's a week late but it was very cold and wet last weekend so we thought the queen wouldn't mind a belated one. She joined us in a lovely blue number and we ate pavlova, cupcakes, scones, sausage rolls, trifle, Eaton pudding, strawberries, egg sandwiches, marmite sandwiches, battenburg and a BBQ. We had an Aunt Sally sponge throwing game and sack races which bemused the Canadians!

Harriet drenching the poor Beefeater

Mmmmmm yummy!

Think the queen shrunk a bit on the flight across!

Harriet always finds the babies

Sack races

David has been saving all the rabbit pelts for me to try my hand at making leather. It finally got warm enough so I've had a go. I must say it is easier than I thought and I'm going to need a lot of pelts for my bedspread but it is fun. One problem is Max really likes them and sneaks them off the side for a quick chew if we turn our backs!

After the pelts came out of the pickle, at this stage I was ready to give up as they smelt and didn't look at all pretty.

A couple of days later, a lot of work and a hair brush and I have beautiful fur.

The boys have finished school for the year, they have exams each morning this week and are hoping to start work next week. Harriet has 9 more days left and counting!
This week we get our day old geese and ducklings ready for fattening up. 
After our stuck in the mud incident we have been collecting wood from a much more convenient site close to a main road so our pile is steadily growing.


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