Sunday, 17 April 2011

Chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken lay a little egg for me!

Well the chicks are now 2 weeks old and all 8 remaining chicks are doing well. One of them can't use one leg so she hops around. The one Harriet named Feather never learnt to hop and even with Harriet's constant care still died this week. They are getting feathers now and can fly a little and are a good source of entertainment. Harriet has taken 103 pictures and video clips of them this week!!

I've done well for animal spotting this week I've seen numerous deer, the bobcat and also 2 bald eagles nesting in a superstore car park! David had another moose moment on the way home from life group he turned onto Yoho lake Road and as he came to the brow of the hill he saw a huge silhouette facing him, thankfully he had time to stop.

We keep hearing how nice the weather is in the UK! Well it's been mainly sunny this week and very warm during the day except today when it's rained all day. The snow is melting quickly now but the lake is still well frozen, it is making bubbly sorts of noises so that's a good sign we may see water soon.

We get a long weekend for Easter next weekend which will be good. I have a great stall on the market for a couple of weeks so hopefully I'll sell loads of hot cross buns this Saturday again.

Harriet is performing in her play this week at a drama festival and at school, she is taking very seriously her parts as a Duke and a Deer.

Josh has already packed for his trip (he's not excited at all!) He goes to Quebec City on Thursday then onto Ottawa and returns home on Easter Monday.

Everything is in place for us to move house except the sellers haven't got a property to move into so our moving date is still 31st May but could move forward. I've packed some things but just have to be patient to finish off nearer the date.

Mum and Dad arrive in just over 2 weeks which we are really looking forward to. They will be kept busy helping us move and making our new place like home! So once we've got settled who else is going to visit us this year? Get your booking in quick to avoid disappointment!!!!!!

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