Saturday, 2 October 2010

1st aid and beautiful autumn

not the best picture of some of the colours of autumn
fungi I found one morning

by that evening

next day, I just love this fungi

Just a quick post to keep you all up to date.
To work with children in Canada I had to get my first aid & CPR certificate! CPR was fine no blood and guts mentioned at all even broken bones, diabetes, epilepsy, strokes, heart attack no problem in theory BUT argh it got awful hot in the room when the amputation and stopping blood flow DVD was playing then the teacher took great pleasure elaborating on every detail and describing every type of cut you could possibly imagine! I survived.... just, and managed to get 97% in the exam. Thankfully the certificate lasts 3 years. I've been called into work a couple of times this week too.
David has been really busy this week, he's getting so good on roofs he helped Rich take down his chimney too!
Preparations for the cupcake business are going ok and hopefully in about a month I can trade on the local market.
Autumn is well and truly here the trees are beautiful vivid colours they look like they're on fire. We have loads of fungi growing on our horseshoe pitch, it's amazing stuff coming up really quickly a bright illuminus yellow/ green then going brown and yucky by the next day. Mornings are quite chilly but usually by the afternoon things have warmed up alot. We really notice the difference in weather between Yoho and the city. Yoho is on a hill and can be very windy in the city it's very sheltered in the valley and loads warmer. To help dry off my washing I've relented and lit our first fire tonight.
I'm working full time next week. The kids have next Thurs, Fri & Mon off for Thanksgiving weekend. Harriet & Isaac want to join a 4H group and are going to a taster session tomorrow. David is going to USA to pick up a delivery of cupcake boxes and inks which work out much cheaper over the border. But more about all that next time.

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