What a busy week so far. Monday we moved from Tracy to Yoho and could start to empty all our shipment...it's like Christmas.
Tuesday school started. We were told to be at the correct bus stop point for 7.34AM. We set off at 7.20 so we'd be there in plenty of time except we'd been given wrong time and it should have been 7.13!!!! Dad's taxi had to transport kids on day 1 fantastic start! They did come home on the bus and now it brings them to our door.
School was a big hit. Harriet was very nervous but was very excited when she got home and got chatting to her new friends on MSN before tea! She is in grade 5, the last year in elementary school and to give the kids a boost in languages her school teaches grade 5 in French!!!! So all her lessons except Maths, English and PE are in French. We will have the option to put her in French immersion for her High school if we want next year.
Josh is in grade 8, last year of middle school. He is finding the way they teach quite good except his French lessons! He has a very mixed timetable and spends a lot of time making sure his files are up to date. He likes lunch time being at 11am!
Isaac is in grade 9 the first year of high school. He has to organise his own studies a lot and has only 5 subjects this semester then a different lot next semester so his timetable is exactly the same each day. He forgot his packed lunch on day 1 so came home hungry- he won't forget again!
The days are long from 7.13am to 3.59pm so everyone is shattered and going to bed very early. We'll really appreciated the weekends now.
I'm still waiting to be able to teach, it was really weird being the parent on Tues taking Harriet into class and talking with the teacher. I'm applying for other jobs too but nothing has materialized yet. This lull gives me a chance to get the house sorted. We even went and bought a bed and freezer which came today.
David's job is still slow and steady, hopefully it will pick up soon with all the leaflets we've delivered recently.
Bess seems much better since her medication has taken effect.
We are continuing to attend 'The Meeting Place' church in town, where we feel very at home.
After all the frustrations with transferring our banking with HSBC and finding our new branch slightly antiquated in it's systems e.g. having to purchase cheques, counter staff not being able to answer questions, bank is located down town where it costs to park, having to go to bank to get authorisation for all direct debits every time! the list goes on. The kids needed accounts to put their pay cheques in so we went to CIBC after school tonight and within half an hour all 3 had bank accounts with debit cards at a bank which opens some nights till 8 and most of Saturday. Mmmm me thinks we'll be opening a different account soon!
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