excavator cupcake (diggers)
Hard hat cupcake
Kevin's birthday cupcakes, these are called 'boys and their toys!'
glasses & jewelry cupcake
fairy wand cupcake
close up of princess crown cupcake
close up of handbag cupcake
close up of sparkly shoes
These are called 'Little girls dream'
The end of September is looming fast. The weather is much cooler now with quite a lot of rain (we notice this because of the leak in our bedroom ceiling!). My old rule in Whitby was no fires lit until Nov 1st!!! I may have to change the date here but not yet! We've bought a wood stove to fit and David, Rich & the boys have been busy as beavers collecting , chopping and storing wood to keep everyone warm this winter.
David's work has picked up a bit this week too and now he's in possession of 'the telephone' we hope he'll be quite busy.
David's work has picked up a bit this week too and now he's in possession of 'the telephone' we hope he'll be quite busy.
I was called into the daycare twice last week to get to know the little girl I'll be working with and then to actually look after her when her therapist didn't turn up. She is so sweet, very chatty, loves singing and knows what she wants! I have been asked to cover one of the daycare teachers the week after next so that's a bit more work. I haven't had any school work yet.
This week I applied to environmental health to approve my cupcake business which they did, I need to pass a hygiene course in 2 weeks time then wait for final approval from the market and if all goes well I should be able to trade by the end of October. I've been practising recipes and some designs this week. It was Maeve and Kevin's birthday party today so I inflicted some of my practise cupcakes on them as limited edition birthday treats!
Mon & Tues this week I'm booked onto a CPR and first aid course as everyone working with children has to have it. Mmmm not really looking forward to it I'll have to try not to pass out too many times.
Harriet has a friend called Jenny who comes to call for her when she's at her Aunties house down the road. She opened my games cupboard and said 'wow it's like a teacher's cupboard' which I thought was quite funny!
Harriet has a friend called Jenny who comes to call for her when she's at her Aunties house down the road. She opened my games cupboard and said 'wow it's like a teacher's cupboard' which I thought was quite funny!
Isaac & Josh got called back into work on Saturday to sort cranberries. They sat for 6 hours next to a conveyerbelt sorting ripe from unripe fruit. Isaac said he could see berries even when he shut his eyes! With Isaac's wages he's bought himself a netbook and Josh is saving for an Xbox.
Continuing the animal theme David has now seen 2 bears, 1 outside the furniture store just out of town and 1 as we were strolling to the mailbox the other evening it just crossed the road in front of us!!!!! We saw an alive skunk the other night then David ran over another skunk that had a death wish. The car stinks bad, think it may have to go through the car wash a few times.
Thurs, Fri, Sat last week was Moose hunting season! Hundreds of people apply for a shooting license and only about 1 in 50 is granted, they get to shoot during daylight hours just on those 3 days a year. You see dead moose sticking out of the back of pickups, thankfully I didn't, but David did!
We really enjoy the church we're attending and are starting to get to know some of the people there. Last Sunday we were invited out to a BBQ lunch followed by an afternoons apple picking and apple pie making.