Saturday, 7 December 2019

2019 update



So 2019 is drawing to a close and it’s time to reflect on all that has happened.

It’s been the year of visits.

David, Sarah, Ben, Sam &Amy drove across from Michigan in April. We had a great time with them even though we had one of the last storms of last winter while they were with us.

Steve, Jan & Anna came for a couple of weeks in the summer. It was lovely to have a very special time with them and to get lots of baby cuddles. The weather lent itself to visiting lots of places in NB.  We also had a hog roast to celebrate our 26th wedding anniversary, 9 years in Canada, their visit, a belated housewarming and NB day!

Next my mum, dad and Auntie Brenda came. It was a fun visit with lots of visiting people and places in NB
Finally David’s parents came in September. We took them on a little trip to PEI and managed to get home just before a hurricane hit!

Isaac got his red seal at the beginning of the year. He is always busy with work, renovations, church, socializing, his dog Badger and recently he joined the firefighters too.

Josh is currently in his final year at UNB, he is set to graduate in April and has a job already at Sonrai Security the place he worked for his last coop placement. He is still living with Isaac and is usually busy with firefighters, studying and playing tactical games.

Harriet is in her second year at UPEI, she is living in a house with 3 friends and is really enjoying it. She worked for the church this summer, next summer she has been accepted onto a coop program. She is always busy socializing, babysitting and baking and is involved in the church in Charlottetown.

David is always doing something either related to work, church or the farm. We have made lots of progress on the farm this year with 2 bedrooms and half a bathroom pretty much complete, fitting a wood stove and electric heaters and of course all the fencing, shed building, bird processing etc the list just goes on.

I am also busy with the farm, church and recently I’ve started a new job. Still at PFY but more in the office. Unfortunately my old position hasn’t been filled yet so I’m actually doing 2 jobs at the moment!

Next year we are looking forward to visiting the UK in March for a few days, making progress on the house and also renovating a warehouse building our church is buying.

As usual we have plenty of space for people to come across and visit next year. We’d love to see you!