Tuesday, 24 July 2018

25 years....and counting!

On 31st July 2018, David and I will celebrate our silver wedding anniversary.
We really can’t believe it’t been so long, it seems like a blink of an eye.
We’ve been looking back at the last 25 years and we think we’ve fitted a fair amount in!

6+ houses
2 countries
3 kids
4 dogs
4 cows
Countless pigs, chickens, turkeys and ducks.

Our wedding vows have been well and truly tested as we’ve seen the best and worst of each other, had times of plenty and times we’ve found it a struggle, times of good health and some serious health concerns. But through it all we still love and cherish!

We don’t have any big plans to celebrate. We will take a day off from both work and renovations and probably go for a day out to see more of the beautiful place we live.

Things are kinda strange around here now. David and I moved into the farm house last month. I mentioned in my last blog post that I had some basic requirements for moving in, well we didn’t quite achieve them! For the first few weeks we had a bedroom, toilet, sink with cold tap, toaster oven and kettle. We now have progressed to a hot shower so you could say we are glamping! We have lots of very kind friends who come up to help out with all our renovations, hopefully soon it will be more like home. On the plus side the farm is in a beautiful location, the big windows are lovely filling the place with light, it’s much quieter and there are lots of birds and other critters.

In June Harriet graduated from high school, which makes us feel really old! She did fantastically well  coming home with many prizes and awards and finishing top of her grade over all. We are very proud of all she achieved at Harvey High School. She is going to University of Prince Edward Island to study pre veterinary science. She is counting down the days till she starts on Sept 1st.

On August 4th we celebrate 8 years in Canada, we will have our traditional ice cream cake!

David, Kathryn and family are coming to visit for a few days at the beginning of August, it will be good to spend time with them.