Saturday, 28 November 2015

Going, going, gone

So here goes how life has changed over the last 4 weeks. Sorry that this is all about me but it's difficult to think of much else at the moment.
Chemo is very difficult to explain. Actually getting chemo is very painless and the nurses do their best to make the day as pleasant as possible, time passes by playing games, watching netflics, reading, eating. Each drug is administered seperately and needs time between to observe any reactions. I start treatment somewhere between 9-10am and am finished after 3pm. These times will change as I need less observations. 
I'm on 3 different drugs so my experience will be different to others but generally day 1 is ok, then days 2-5 are very blurry, i can't concentrate, sleep, i'm very restless, hungry, vivid dreams. The first treatment I ached alot but each time they slightly change the drugs they give you to help with the side effects so with more steriods this time I've had less pain but more restlessness. 
I have to keep an eye on my temperature and go to ER if it gets to 38degrees. On day 9 it hit 38.7 degrees and i was admitted to hospital because the chemo was doing too good a job and i had 0 immunity. I was released on day 11 and to try and stop it happening this time I'm now on another injection that David has to give me on day 2. 
When I feel better i get frustrated that I have to be careful going out so I go to shops when they are quiet and i wear a mask and have to use tonnes of hand sanitizer. I generally end up sitting in the car and sending someone in with a list!
So the hair is the most asked question. Yes it's gone. It started falling out in great handfuls after 2 weeks and when it looked too much like i had a bad case of mange David buzzed it down to #2 so it was easier to manage. Hats are ok, though a little hot inside so I prefer to go egg head when I'm home or places where im not freaking people out too much! wigs are itchy and uncomfortable. I did borrow a few from the hospital and have washed the best one which now needs cutting and styling, it is sat on my shelf and is affectionaltely called the ferret! I will get it styled and then I have the option to use it but really with winter here woolly hats are my favourite.
We are still planning to come to the UK for Christmas if all continues to go well but obviously won't know till we set off.
When I was in hospital a lot of people from the church come over to finish our roof, stack wood, tidy up, clean the house etc. this made a huge difference for when i got home, thank you again everyone.

Me at start of treatment
Starting to thin
falling out
getting bald
#2 cut, i think i look like my brother David here. It continues to fall out so I have a lot less now.

David brought me some wigs to try!

the ferret! All the wigs seem to have lots of fringe (bangs) and you have to be careful round the oven, wood stove and dishwasher!!!!