Monday, 28 September 2015

September Update

Josh has started at UNB, he is enjoying his Computer Science Degree so far. He is living at home and getting a lift into town each day with one of us.

Harriet is now in grade 10 and is enjoying the short cross country running season before winter sets in. She ran part of the NB schools Terry Fox run last week. Her and Shadow did their first dog agility demonstration and trials a couple of weeks ago and did very well for their first attempts.

Isaac went to work for StorTec which he is enjoying, he's seeing quite a bit of New Brunswick. This job still couldn't give him hours towards his HVAC qualification so when he heard the company he did his last placement at had a vacancy he applied and got the job, so now he's working out his notice and starts his new job next week. His ducks have hatched out dozens of ducklings which are super cute running round the place.

David has been busy making a dormer window in Isaac's room the past couple of weeks. Isaac's room has never had a window since we moved in and it's been affectionately called the cave, we'll have to come up with a new name as it now has the best view in the house!

I had my surgery on 14th Sept. I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy. I came home 2 hours after surgery and David has been looking after me. I'm doing very well and have started getting out more this week. I'm still sore and tire very quickly but I will soon be back to full strength. I have simple physio exercises to do each day and these are getting back the movement in my arm and shoulder and building up my strength so I will be able to lift again soon. I have an appointment with my surgeon on Thursday to get the results of my operation and to discuss next steps. I have been very spoilt by family and friends throughout all this and really appreciate it, thank you