We seem to have piggies all over. Penny has 4, Deidre has 5 and Bessie has 11 little piglets. Each pen has a little wall so the Mum can get out but the piglets stay in, the piglets think it's fun jumping over it and following Mum outside now! Molly is due to have her litter in October.
Sunning themselves under the heat lamp
A pile of piggies
Our geese and ducks now have free range round the back garden as the grass is growing much more slowly now. Our Christmas turkeys are due to arrive next Monday. Our 10 surprise litters of rabbits are getting bigger now and hopefully there are no more on the way.Isaac and Josh have both got in the soccer teams at school. Isaac is in the senior high team and Josh in junior high so it means one or other of them have either practice or a match on most nights of the week until mid October when the season ends.