I may not be at the market anymore but I have a steady stream of orders for scones and cupcakes which I don't mind doing from time to time. A lady called me and asked if I would do cupcakes for a 90th birthday party so I said 'Yes, how many do you want?' 17 dozen was her reply! They sort of took over my kitchen today but it was fun to do again.
Harriet's guinea pig had babies again this week, another 4 very cute ginger and white babies. She's on holiday this weekend with Rich and Jen as their babysitter (for the girls not them!) while they attend a conference.
Our resident snake keeps saying hi, the boys even caught it and were going to save it until I got home except it kept trying to bite them!
It's Harvey Days this weekend so there's been lots of events on like dances, sports, yards sales, parade, big screen viewing of Olympic mountain biking, fireworks, fair etc. I went to the village photo where a couple of hundred people turned out and 3 horses! Josh was in the parade throwing candy at the kids from the firefighters float. I also went to the olympic screening (just to get on CTV!!!) it was difficult holding back the cheers for the Brit when came in 1 before the Canadian.
Isaac holding the snake with my oven glove as it was trying to bite!
One of the new babies
The best photo I got of Josh in the parade, he was in the yellow rescue boat being pulled by the second fire truck
a small selection of the cupcakes with a sports and gardening them