Tuesday, 27 March 2012

New additions

Here are our latest new additions, 12 peking duck eggs! 
The one front right has already been named Big foot. We intended to hatch them in the incubator then read they do much better under broody hens if you have them, well guess what we've got 2 of outside in the hen hut?

So here's one of the hens warming her new babies.

David and the kids are off on Friday and are going to Nova Scotia to pick up Mr Pig so we can soon have baby pigs and lots of bacon....yummmy.
Isaac spent 5 days last week getting the Hunter's Ed qualification which means he is qualified to shoot certain animals but as he can't own a gun yet until either he's over 18 or one of his parents get the qualification we're still safe!
I have got extended hours at work now until after the summer so I still don't have to return to the market for a while, if ever.
Last week our weather became even more crazy, for about 3 days we had days of +20 degrees, even hitting 28degrees. It was lovely, but muddy as everything melted at once. Unfortunately we are back to normal temperatures around 0 which seem very cold now.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Sugar bush & Guinea Pigs

After the midweek storm which gave us another 10cm of snow and a day off school the sun is out again. Isaac has now collected a number of litres of maple sap and has spent all today boiling it on his pot bellied stove to make maple syrup.

Here is the result 3/4 jar of syrup. When it's cooled we'll tell you what it tastes like.
Harriet has pampered her 3 guinea pigs she got last year so we agreed to her starting to breed them. Unfortunately they are too old so she needed new young blood. Thanks to kijiji she now has 4 new guinea pigs in 3 days!!!! No more now till the babies arrive.

 This one is Delia, she needs some lessons in socialization and a bit of TLC.

 This is Zoe who will be the breeding female. She was born in December but certainly likes her food and is very friendly.

These two are the boys, Walter is on the right and Vincent with the doody hairdo is on the left. These have a lovely disposition too. 
Our barn is bursting at the seams so we are looking forward to getting the fence up outside so the pigs can live outdoors.
I hear tomorrow is mothers day in the UK, happy mothers day Mums your cards will arrive on the Canadian mothers day in May!
I had a great time at a ladies breakfast this morning at church, over 60 ladies were there and I had a lovely Canadian breakfast of muffins, bacon, granola, boiled eggs, fruit and yoghurt and lots of coffee (except I had tea!). I also went to a seed sale at the botanic gardens in town and for a small entrance fee could take whatever seeds I wanted. I got lots of veggies and some flowers. We started off some of our seeds this week so our windowsills are also bursting.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Spring time...yippeeeee!

After my last post we had a very strange day the temperature got up to 19 degrees. A huge amount of snow melted with streams running down the drive off the melting fields. It then poured down overnight and by morning we had lovely patches of brown grass. We are expecting more snow and freezing rain this week but it shouldn't stay long.
The chickens now enjoy running round outside and sunning themselves in the shed doorway.
On Sunday the clocks went forward which is lovely as we have light nights till about 7.45pm, unfortunately the mornings are dark again which makes getting up less tempting especially after a weeks holiday.
So anyone who wants to call or skype us from the UK we are only 3 hours behind till your clocks change.
My girlies enjoying the sun and brown grass.
After just 1 sunny day and some rain!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

March Break

A lorry crash in Harvey last week, another day off school!
This happened at 6.15 am cutting off power in Harvey and blocking THE road through the village so the kids had to stay home and have no internet for some of the day.

Rudi and Amy's new baby was born on Saturday so me and Harriet went for a cuddle today. This is baby Clark with big brother Robin jumping in the background.
Harriet made a frog for Clark and I made an elephant, big brother Robin enjoyed transporting them round in his school bus.

This is what we've been doing this holiday, as you can see the kids leave me behind!
We keep getting more snow then the sun comes out and it melts quickly. In places we still have snow to the top of our boots hence the snow shoes for walking through the woods. It has been a funny old winter with much less snow that came very late.
Looking back towards our house.
Molly wanted to say 'Hi' to you all

Isaac's project this month is tapping. Basically he's put taps in all our maple trees (and the neighbour's trees too!) and is collecting the sap to make maple syrup. 40 litres of sap= 1 litre of maple syrup. Since he tapped them we haven't had much sun so he's only got a little bit of sap so far.

Another project, the unfinished igloo.