Here are our latest new additions, 12 peking duck eggs!
The one front right has already been named Big foot. We intended to hatch them in the incubator then read they do much better under broody hens if you have them, well guess what we've got 2 of outside in the hen hut?
So here's one of the hens warming her new babies.
David and the kids are off on Friday and are going to Nova Scotia to pick up Mr Pig so we can soon have baby pigs and lots of bacon....yummmy.
Isaac spent 5 days last week getting the Hunter's Ed qualification which means he is qualified to shoot certain animals but as he can't own a gun yet until either he's over 18 or one of his parents get the qualification we're still safe!
I have got extended hours at work now until after the summer so I still don't have to return to the market for a while, if ever.
Last week our weather became even more crazy, for about 3 days we had days of +20 degrees, even hitting 28degrees. It was lovely, but muddy as everything melted at once. Unfortunately we are back to normal temperatures around 0 which seem very cold now.