Monday, 30 January 2012

Exam week= snow days!

Our girlies venturing out in the thaw.

So exam week arrives and along with it 2 days off. On Tuesday we had freezing rain followed by lots of real rain so all our snow washed away. On Friday we had snow, lots more snow then freezing rain followed by ice pellets. Both were days off school for the kids which meant they only finished their exams today so only have 1 day off for turnaround. AWWW poor things!
I start new hours at work next week 37 close to full time. I'll be working my additional hours on an elementary school project to add some variety to my days.
David's truck failed its test last week (no surprise there) so it's taking a little holiday in the garage at the moment and we are car sharing. That's ok when we're both doing reasonable hours but next week David's on earlies!! fun
Harriet has created a sledging run behind our house, it's not very steep but in certain conditions she can get quite a way. She is going to a winterfest next weekend which I think will include big slides, sleigh rides, ice sculptures, mazes and who know what else but it sounds fun.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken.....

Our new additions

Our new girlies are laying lots of these!

On Tuesday a local farmer was selling off some of his 1 year old chickens so we bought 12 which now brings us to a total of 18 chickens. We average between 12-16 eggs per day which is great for this time of year. The new girls settled in really well and lay huge eggs because they are on their second laying cycle. So if anyone wants a dozen free range eggs we're selling them $3 per mixed size dozen. We have a few customers already and we're eating lots of omelettes, quiche and fried egg butties!
Our massive 35lb turkey which has affectionately become known as 'Frankinturkey', is as I write cooking in my oven. I must admit there isn't much room to spare in there and the tin was bending under the weight.
The snow has eventually come to stay (hopefully). We only have about 4" but it's very windy and has drifted a lot. Today has been bitter with a windchill of -29 degrees so we are looking forward to more snow this week to warm things up a little. The kids get up at 6am to check the district website if there is any chance of a snow day. Thank fully there hasn't been one yet since they went back but with exam week looming there is a high chance they may lose one of their days off after the exams to sit any that are postponed!

Friday, 6 January 2012

2012, the new year is here...

Isaac's 16th birthday

Holland Lake in the woods behind our house

Harriet & Maeve with their New Year sparklers

Happy New Year everyone!
We are just coming to the end of our Christmas holiday and the kids are already dreaming of snow days. We had a small amount of snow for Christmas & Boxing day then on the Wednesday it shot up to 10 degrees and rained all day. Since then we've only had the odd flurry and lots of freezing rain which is very dangerous. The downside to this is we love playing in the snow and had hoped to spend the holidays doing this, the up side is we've been exploring the countryside around where we live. Our neighbours own lots of land which we can explore, it includes lots of woods, a camp and a lake. The good thing about exploring now is anything dangerous we may bump into is fast asleep so we can roam freely.

We went to a Brits Christmas bash at friends house on boxing day which was fun. We also went to parties at Jen's Aunt and Uncle's who live in Harvey too and at Kevin and Dianne's.
My New Year's eve market was the best one since August. This was mainly due to having a huge stall and people still being on holiday. I'm now taking a few months off from the market as the weather and lack of customers don't make it worth doing.
New Year's eve we spent with our friends the Warringtons then New Year's day we stayed at Rich & Jens. All good fun!
Isaac turned 16 this week, arghhhhhh he can now drive in Canada!!!!!!! He's learning his highway code so he can get his licence.
We've a hog roast to attend this weekend (not one of our pigs)then back to school and work.