So exam week arrives and along with it 2 days off. On Tuesday we had freezing rain followed by lots of real rain so all our snow washed away. On Friday we had snow, lots more snow then freezing rain followed by ice pellets. Both were days off school for the kids which meant they only finished their exams today so only have 1 day off for turnaround. AWWW poor things!
I start new hours at work next week 37 close to full time. I'll be working my additional hours on an elementary school project to add some variety to my days.
David's truck failed its test last week (no surprise there) so it's taking a little holiday in the garage at the moment and we are car sharing. That's ok when we're both doing reasonable hours but next week David's on earlies!! fun
Harriet has created a sledging run behind our house, it's not very steep but in certain conditions she can get quite a way. She is going to a winterfest next weekend which I think will include big slides, sleigh rides, ice sculptures, mazes and who know what else but it sounds fun.