Harriet's guinea pigs
Some of our many baby rabbits
Our chickens which should be laying next month
Not a very good picture of our growing turkeys
Doug & Hilary brought us a fly thingy for our door, we still need it with all this warm weather.
David's nearly finished his chicken shed, it just needs a roof.
Life has soon settled into a routine here David is working full time but has to do some shifts each week either early or late and one out of about 8 weekends too so that gets complicated! The kids are all enjoying school especially the boys playing soccer...one day they may win a match it's getting closer! Harriet likes her new school too but would prefer to be out playing with her new guinea pigs in the barn. She has 3 guinea pigs which we got from kijiji cheap to replace Nibbles we had to leave with the Pages in Whitby. Log onto her blog to see them for yourselves!!!!! mypamperedpiggies.thelavers.com
They came with normal names and she renamed them pretty girlie names!
September has been the most beautiful month, it's been really warm in fact we're still wearing shorts today. The fall colours are here with the gorgeous reds and oranges and so many fruit and vegetables I can't keep up with storing and preserving everything my freezer is well and truly full and I have many examples of jams, jellies, chutneys and pickles in my cupboards.
I still work 12-4 each day and spend the rest of my time being a housewife and baking for Cute as a Cupcake which is doing quite well at the moment. I've got Christmas in the market booked in November sharing a stall with a friend so I can go to work. The advantage for this is I don't have the same restrictions I have at the market so I can paint, sew and knit etc, I've made a number of hats and broaches this week and have searched for lots of other fun patterns to try out. Next week I'll start the fun job of making all those Christmas cakes I hope to sell too so all my 'free' time is well spent!
I am back on the teaching and TA supply lists this year again, last year I only got 3 calls for TA work so I was pleased when this year they've introduced an automated system which calls everyone eligible to take the work and the first to respond gets the job. I got my first call today at 5.30am!!!!!! what a wake up call for us all. Unfortunately I couldn't take the work with already working afternoons so it reminded me to update my status to available mornings only, but I was very encouraged that I got a call so soon and hope I may get one again.
We had a party last week with friends of Richard's up the road from us, he is a vet and we were invited to take our roosters which were ready for a chicken killing party! They are now in the freezer and a good time was had by all, well the washing up was really calling me inside so I just had to stay mainly indoors!
I managed to step on another snake while walking in the woods last week, I think they're hunting me out. It was Moose hunting weekend last weekend so we saw the usual carcass draped over trucks driving through town. The kids also saw a baby one in the middle of the road after dark the other night when the hunters aren't allowed to shoot.